Valter Bami was released Thursday from the cell, after he was arrested in July of last year as being involved in the assassination attempt in Larushk of Kruja where 29-year-old Ramazan Sino, the brother-in-law of Gentian Bejtja, who was allegedly the target, was killed.
On July 3, Ramazan Sino (the victim) was in Tirana together with his sister, Gentian Bejtja’s wife, as well as the two minor nephews who were injured.
After performing several medical visits for the nephews, they traveled in their “Audi” type vehicle from Tirana towards the village of Larush in Fushë Krujë.
After arriving at the sister’s apartment, when they were getting out of the vehicle parked in the yard, in front of the main entrance of the house, unidentified persons entered the yard and opened fire at the people who got out of the vehicle.
As a result of the shooting, Ramazan Sino died and his two nephews, A.B., were injured. and R.B. The two children were taken to the Trauma Hospital and are out of danger.
During the inspection of the scene, in the yard of Gentian Betja’s apartment, which was surrounded by a high fence, 24 model 56 cartridges, caliber 7.62 mm, a damaged shell, were found scattered in the yard in a disorderly manner.
Wall of the apartment and the surrounding wall of the courtyard were found to have damage in the form of holes caused by the projectiles of firearms, it is stated in the file provided by Hoxha.
From the preliminary data, it appears that the perpetrators, after realizing their criminal intent, left for a few meters on foot in the alley of the neighborhood and a vehicle was waiting for them on the main road.
After shooting several times in the air with firearms, the perpetrators got into a vehicle and left in the direction of the Larushk – Fushë Krujë road. On the road where the perpetrators shot into the air, 4 model 56, caliber 7.62 mm were found and seized as evidence.
A few minutes later, the police were notified that a vehicle was burning in the village of Tapizë, Fushë-Kruje. Police services were present at the scene and found that the Volkswagen type vehicle, without license plates, was burnt.
The inspection showed that 3 automatic firearms model 56, caliber 7.62 were found inside the vehicle.
The identification of the vehicle shows that it was stolen on May 11 of this year from the property of citizen K.L.