Rama from Vienna: Belarus should reduce tensions and establish dialogue

schedule11:10 - 28 Gusht, 2020

schedule 11:10 - 28 Gusht, 2020

Speaking from Vienna, where the special meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council is being held on the situation in Belarus, Rama said that the main goal of the OSCE is helping.

As chairman, Rama said it was not up to the OSCE to take sides, but added that the organization had the right to be heard and could not stand aside.

Rama also said that Belarus is not the first country in this situation, adding that the problem can only be solved only in Minks.

Belarus must reduce tensions and establish dialogue. We need the democratic commitment of all our member states, there must be reconciliation and there must be dialogue between the opposition and the ruling government. We can help but we can not solve this problem, it is solved in Minsk, stated Rama./abcnews.al


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