Prime Minister Edi Rama has called unfounded the claims of the extra-parliamentary opposition that the opening of the lists will disrupt 5th June agreement and will damage the path to European integration.
Rama said that the threats at this stage of this process do not help the to European path.
He stressed out that the system and the change of constituencies cannot be affected, adding that the KQZ has been affected as a result of the 5th June agreement.
“Today we have a proportional, regional system and this is not affected even though the parliamentary opposition has demanded a national proportional. The change of zones is not affected. The KQZ is affected as a result of the June 5 agreement.
To those who claim where the changes needs to make, I tell you that this is even more essential than opening lists. Even this does not constitute a violation in relation to Venice.
In relation to Europe and those who helped us in this agreement, we are very clear. The product is the one that speaks. It would be exploitative if the SP used unworthy ways that would lead the system to any change that would lower the level of democracy. But to discuss the opening of the lists as a problem is foolishness “, said Rama./