Europe Day, Rama: Albania, closer than ever to the old dream

schedule08:33 - 9 Maj, 2024

schedule 08:33 - 9 Maj, 2024

Today is Europe Day, a day to celebrate peace and unity across the continent. The origin of this day dates back to 1950, when Europe was still recovering from the devastating effects of World War II. On May 9, 1950, the first move towards the creation of what is today known as the EU was made.

May 9 was designated as Europe Day in memory of French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman’s statement on May 9, 1950, which called on France, Germany and other countries to unite their coal and steel production that would to be “the first concrete foundation for a future European Federation”.

Prime Minister Edi Rama says that this day finds Albania closer than ever to the old Albanian dream.

“Good morning and on this Europe Day, which finds Albania closer than ever to the old Albanian dream with the sun rising there from the west, I wish you a good day”, writes Rama.


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