Begin, the first arrests in Durres after the earthquake

schedule09:59 - 12 Dhjetor, 2019

schedule 09:59 - 12 Dhjetor, 2019

Major casualties and damage caused during the earthquake by problematic construction permits, do not seem to go unpunished by the justice institutions.

Journalist Glidona Daci tells that the prosecution has already collected evidence in every building damaged by the earthquake, which all people  responsible for this soon will go to justice.

The first arrests are expected in the coming days.

The Durres Prosecutor’s Office had begun the criminal case, since November 29, for the earthquake that destroyed several buildings causing the death of 25 people in this city.

The final balance of the quake was 52 dead and about 1,000 injured.

Prosecutors suspect that illegal constructions were the reason for the collapse of the buildings but also the failure of the engineers and civil servants’ failure to perform their duties properly charged with overseeing these constructions. /

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