The perpetrator of the murder of 27-year-old Mehmet Qema has been handed over to the police last night in Tirana.
As the journalist Xhensila Kodra reports, after numerous checks of the impossibility to remain hidden and after the police negotiations with lawyers and family members, a few moments ago the author, Marius Dema and one of the persons present at the event, Frenkli Myftari, surrendered to the Tirana Police.
After handing over the perpetrator and Frankli Myftari, the police are still looking for Erlind Peka, Bralid Aga, Blerim Hoti and Xhuljano Koçi.
All of them are friends with each other and last night they were staying in a bar in the area of ”5 Maj” road.
From the photo provided by, it can be seen that the perpetrator is holding a pistol in his hand and the victim is in front of him. The whole serious incident is suspected to have happened for accidental reasons, as there was no conflict between them./