Tensions in the North/ Kosovo: Violence will not prevail, Serbia is responsible

schedule14:43 - 26 Maj, 2023

schedule 14:43 - 26 Maj, 2023

The Presidency of Kosovo has reacted regarding the tensions in the north of the country. Spokesman Blerim Vela has stated that the illegal and criminal structures of Serbia have received orders to escalate the situation.

Through a post on social networks, Vela declared that violence against law enforcement will not prevail and that Serbia will bear responsibility.

“Serbia’s illegal and criminal structures in north Kosovo have received orders to escalate the situation on the ground. “Peaceful” protesters who use hybrid and violent actions against law enforcement.

Violence won’t prevail. Serbia bears full responsibility for the escalation,” stated he.

The Kosovo police used tear gas and stun grenades to disperse the citizens gathered in front of the municipal facility in Zveçan – a municipality inhabited by a majority of Serbs in the northern part of the country.

The Serbs burned several police cars and tried to enter the municipality building, while the officers intervened with tear gas. Meanwhile, some trucks are parked in the middle of the roads at the entrance and exit of Leposavic.


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