Operation against cannabis cultivation/ Balla: From the next week, monitoring will be with Bayraktar drones

schedule10:13 - 12 Prill, 2024

schedule 10:13 - 12 Prill, 2024

Starting next week, terror monitoring will also be carried out through Bayraktar drones. The news was given by the Minister of the Interior, Taulant Balla, in a statement to the media. Balla also announced that at the end of the month, police measures related to security and the smooth running of the tourist season will be published.

“In addition to monitoring from the air in cooperation with the Guardia di Finanza, this year from next week we will have the opportunity to use bayraktar drones for a monitoring of the territory with a focus on the fight against cannabis. The focus of monitoring will also be against other forms of crime, including environmental crimes.

At the end of the month, communication regarding measures at the national level of the state police regarding security related to the tourist season. In the fight against cannabis, we will use all the instruments at our disposal in order to give a decisive answer to this phenomenon.” said Balla./ abcnews.al

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