schedule11:48 - 1 Prill, 2020
schedule08:57 - 1 Prill, 2020
Coronavirusi e mund/ Shuhet ish-presidenti i Marseille, Cana e Mbappe mesazhe ngushëllimi
schedule13:55 - 31 Mars, 2020
Basha, to 30 doctors and nurses who went to support Italy: I thank them with my whole heart for their willingness
schedule13:39 - 31 Mars, 2020
Pozitiv me COVID-19, Rustu në gjendje shëndetësore të rënduar
schedule13:18 - 31 Mars, 2020
U prek nga COVID-19, Gabiadini: Jam negativ, faleminderit për mesazhet
schedule11:46 - 31 Mars, 2020
How is the situation of coronavirus in Albania?
schedule11:40 - 31 Mars, 2020
VIDEO/ Evolucioni i futbollit pas karantinës, postim epik i Shtubinës
schedule16:59 - 30 Mars, 2020