President Bajram Begaj, in an activity within the framework of the Day of Justice, said that the reform in justice has given tangible results. The head of state said that for the first time in decades, the culture of impunity was deeply shaken while adding that judges and prosecutors must keep the system clean.
“The reform was not only a structural change, but also a clear commitment to fight organized crime and corruption, as well as to build a society where the rule of law is the main pillar.
It came as a need of the hour and a long-standing aspiration of our citizens to have an independent, impartial and effective justice system. Such justice is also a condition for Albania’s membership in the European Union. The standards are set within the framework of the constitutional and legal changes brought about by the justice reform.
The primary issue now remains the full and comprehensive implementation of these standards with responsibility and priority.
The results of the reform are tangible. Never before has the perception been so strong that justice has the strength, courage and energy to work, face and triumph against crime. For the first time in many decades, the culture of impunity has been deeply shaken. This should be congratulated and supported. Begaj said, among other things.