The chairman of the National Council of the Democratic Party, Bujar Nishani has reacted through a status on the social network “Facebook”, after the internal elections for chairman of the Democratic Party.
Nishani initially focused on the members’ campaign for the election of the mayor, which he says was unacceptable. He also draws attention to the protests organized by DP leader Lulzim Basha against Prime Minister Rama.
Nishani says that during the meetings he met hundreds of members, activists and sympathizers of the Democratic Party for 1 year, wandering in the doors of prosecutors and courts just because they had participated in the protests, while adding that it was the leader Democrat Basha, was the one who called them to protest and that he is the same one who has already betrayed them.
Full statement:
Dear friends, during the days of the campaign for the election of the Chairman of the DPA, in meetings in various cities, among others, I encountered an unacceptable situation for many members, activists and supporters of the Democratic Party.
Hundreds of them all over Albania wandered for one year through the doors of the prosecution and courts as defendants for the sole reason that they had participated in opposition protests against the bandit regime of Edi Rama.
But they were already left alone, at the mercy of fate to face the injustice controlled by the Government.
The right to protest is the most fundamental right of free people.
A right guaranteed and protected by the Constitution in Albania.
Lulzim Basha called the Democrats to protest and they responded with dignity and sacrifice!
But today those Democrats are abandoned, they are betrayed!
Unemployed due to political convictions are financially incapable of hiring lawyers and following unfair investigative and judicial procedures.
They are betrayed even by those who asked them for civic action.
I appeal on all lawyers with high professional, moral, civic and civil integrity; to undertake the protection and follow-up of court proceedings of these citizens, free of charge!
They demonstrated civic responsibility by rising up against injustice, poverty, misgovernance, corruption, scandals of an abusive power.
The man who called them to the protest has already forgotten and abandoned them.
But they should not be left alone!
Their mission was citizen and they deserve civic attention and care./