Theft of the safe deposit box of 96 thousand euros, police sentenced the authors

schedule14:31 - 12 Shtator, 2020

schedule 14:31 - 12 Shtator, 2020

The Tirana court has sentenced Arjan Rapi and Ethem Murataj for a theft that occurred on 6 th September. The event took place on September 6 in the apartment of E. Agasi. Whereas, for Dorian Bashon and Smajl Shkëmzan, has been assigned the obligation to appear before the court.

In the  Safe deposit box  were 9600 euros.  Agasi has made personal investigations and identified the license plate of the car. It has been learned that Ethem Murataj returned the stolen money, admitted guilt and said he was the driver. He also showed the place where the safe deposit box  was located.

Arjan Rapi has stated that has committed other thefts which are being investigated. Meanwhile, the car used for the theft is in the name of Smajl Shkëmza’s wife. The safe deposit box was found and seized as an material evidence. /

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