Prime Minister Rama announced yesterday with a short post that the free movement of citizens during this weekend would be the same as last weekend, implying that free movement is prohibited.
The Ministry of Health has also made a statement in this regard, confirming that the movement of pensioners and mothers with children was allowed during Saturday, while others would stay inside.
But that did not happen.
The streets of Tirana are full today, while businesses, including cafes, have been opened without respecting the order of the Ministry of Health.
Journalist Erneta Shevroja reports from the center of Tirana that the citizens continue the life normally, rejecting the order of the government, which came out in the late hours of the night.
Some are afraid of the camera and are violating the order, while others openly reject it, casting strong doubts on the truth of the warnings. ” “I have not put on a mask even at the peak of pandemic, and I will not put it now,” said one citizen, while another said he did not intend to obey the order because there is no patience anymore. /