The last session in the Assembly, begins the voting of the constitutional amendments

schedule11:30 - 30 Korrik, 2020

schedule 11:30 - 30 Korrik, 2020

The Assembly has started their work today and this is the last parliamentary session which will be closed with the passage of the Constitutional amendments. Voting for constitutional amendments has already begun.


As part of the measures against COVID-19 in today’s plenary session will be voted with ballots. The United Opposition forwarded a statement condemning the abandonment of the dialogue in the Political Council by the Socialist Party during yesterday’s meeting. The United Opposition has also stressed out that no unilateral act is binding on the Opposition,  less on the citizens.

The Democratic Party underlines that the unilateral constitutional changes destroy the consensus, break and annul 5th June Agreement and January 14 signed by the Socialist Party and bring serious consequences for the stability, democracy and European integration of the country./

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