The consecration of Mother Teresa, Meta: Her humanitarian work should inspire solidarity

schedule15:06 - 5 Shtator, 2020

schedule 15:06 - 5 Shtator, 2020

President Ilir Meta remembered today the day of the consecration of Mother Teresa. Meta stated that love should be part of our life and we should give love to anyone who needs more.

“Maybe you are not hungry for a piece of bread, but maybe there is someone in the family who is unwanted, without love, without care, who is forgotten.  Love starts in your own home! A love that is real, hurts! This is what I brought to you. Give each other more love! ” – SAINT MOTHER THERESA

The  humanitarian work of Saint Teresa should inspire solidarity and nationwide inclusion to restore hope, for a more humane and compassionate Albania that shows  love and humility for every citizen in need!

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