For the first time, a final dismissal decision for former prosecutor Antoneta Sevdari, former member of the KLP, has been reviewed. The review of the dismissal decision by the Special Appeal Commission came after the decision of the Strasbourg court that gave Sevdari the right. It is learned that Sevdari has returned to the system as a prosecutor.
Strasbourg condemned Albania by compensating the ex-prosecutor with several salaries and suggested to review the decision to dismiss her as some of her rights were violated during the interim reassessment.
She was confirmed in office from the first instance in 2018, while she was dismissed a year later, because her husband had not declared the income he had earned from the work he performed in Saudi Arabia. At the time of her dismissal, Sevdari held the position of a member of the High Prosecution Council, while the next session will be held on April 17.
In 2022, the European Court of Human Rights accepted the appeal of the prosecutor Antoneta Sevdari and condemned Albania to compensate the former prosecutor with about 25 thousand euros and suggested to review the dismissal decision./