Prime Minister Edi Rama announced via a Twitter post that the parliamentary majority has just voted in the Law Commission on the draft agreed with the extra-parliamentary oppositionon 5th June on Electoral Reform.
Rama writes that the draft was approved without consensus as the parliamentary opposition opposes the agreement for not depoliticizing the election administration./
Shumica jonë në Komisionin e Ligjeve sapo votoi draftin e dakordësuar në 5 qershor me o.jashtëparlamentare! U votua pa konsensus sepse o.parlamentare vijon ta kundërshtojë marrëveshjen për mosdepolitizimin e admin.zgjedhore, kërkuar si kusht nga LBPD! Për më shumë në 13.00 live!
— Edi Rama (@ediramaal) July 15, 2020