Meta reacted on Kim’s statement: Everything is achieved by free elections

schedule14:10 - 2 Shtator, 2020

schedule 14:10 - 2 Shtator, 2020

President Ilir Meta has reacted on the letter that Yuri Kim sent to the leaders of political parties for the image of the candidates, emphasizing that what make fair the politics from incriminated individuals are free and fair elections.

Meta said there is no option for an election date without meeting with political party leaders.

If there is a will to respect the 5th June agreement, I do not see any problem. I can not give an option for the election date because I will listen to the political forces and then I will speak.

I have requested a meeting with representatives of all parliamentary forces and everyone is welcomed.

Meta also commented on the issue of the maritime with Greece, urging everyone to be careful in their speeches so that their statements are not used to the detriment of Albania./


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