Alfred Beleri loses his mandate as mayor of Himara. At this Friday’s meeting, the CEC decided to declare the mandate invalid The Special Court for Corruption and Organized Crime found the elected mayor of Himara Municipality, Fredi Beleri, guilty of active corruption in the elections and sentenced him to 2 years in prison.
The accused as his accomplice, Pandeli Kokaveshi, was sentenced to 1 year and 6 months in prison, a measure that was suspended and placed on probation for three years. Beleri and Kokoveshi were arrested by order of the Prosecutor’s Office of Vlora in the early hours of the morning of May 12, 2023, just two days before the date when the vote was to be taken to elect the new mayors. According to the prosecution body, it turned out that the defendant Beleri offered 50 euros for eight votes.
Likewise, Beleri was accused of having given the money through the other defendant, Pandeli Kokaveshi. Beleri was a candidate of the “Together We Win” coalition against the socialist mayor of Himara, Jordgo Goro, who was running for his fourth mandate. Although arrested, Beleri was declared the winner of the May 14 elections for Himara.