Albanian Minister Spiropali talks about the plan to ease measures next week

schedule11:00 - 23 Prill, 2020

schedule 11:00 - 23 Prill, 2020

The Minister of State for Relations with Parliament, Elisa Spiropali, in today’s plenary session said that COVID-19 has killed many people and that the world economy is expected to shrink by 3% during 2020 according to published statistics.

“Albania has faced pandemic very well, it did not find us unprepared. Our hospitals are not overcrowded with people struggling with pandemic.

The measures have been drastic and we have the situation under control.

Gradual opening will be for 2 weeks. Any return in the “normality”  would be fatal for everyone, as for the postponement of the catastrophe, it is a necessity “, declared Spiropali./

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