Albania/ Strict measures until June, the Assembly approves the postponement of the State Natural Disaster

schedule14:20 - 23 Prill, 2020

schedule 14:20 - 23 Prill, 2020

The Assembly has recently approved the postponement of the State Natural Disaster until June 23.

With 91 pro, 5 against and 36 abstentions, the government’s decision to postpone the measures until the end of June was approved due to the situation created by the coronavirus.

The government’s request to postpone the State Natural Disaster until June 23 has caused controversy among the opposition, who have  considered it an unnecessary and uncoordinated measure with experts.

Today’s plenary session was accompanied by accusations and counter-accusations between the deputies present in the hall.

Opposition deputies  stressed out  that the government is acting without a concrete plan to deal with the situation, while Taulant Balla and other SP deputies stressed that the postponement is necessary in the service of a more complete control of the situation. /

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