Chairwoman of Socialist Movement for Integration 9SMI), Monika Kryemadhi praised this Wednesday the fast progress Kosovo has made, even though only 13 years have passed since its Independence Day.
“Today, Kosovo celebrates Independence Day. February 17, of 13 years ago, crowned her centuries-old aspirations for freedom and independence, justice and human dignity, for which thousands of her sons and daughters made the most sublime sacrifices.
In the 13 years of independence, Kosovo’s progress is impressive in terms of strengthening the rule of law, and in affirming itself as a serious partner in the region that contributes to its peace, security and EU integration. With the elections held a few days ago, Kosovo gave another example of respect for the state and the will of its citizens. I believe and wish that overcoming the pandemic, further economic and social development, progress with the EU integration agenda, as well as the normalization agreement with Serbia, which is essentially mutual recognition, are the challenges that Kosovo will face in a successful way.
Happy February 17, happy Kosovo Independence Day “, writes the chairwoman of the SMI, Monika Kryemadhi./