Prime Minister Edi Rama announced this Tuesday that in the middle of January 2021, vaccination for Covid-19 will start in Albania. The first to receive the vaccine, according to the head of Government, will be doctors and nurses.
At the year-end press conference, Prime Minister Rama announced that Albania is in talks with the three largest vaccine companies, Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Moderna.
“We will start vaccination in mid-January. First will be the doctors and nurses, then the other vulnerable groups. Teachers, cops and the elderly will be next. We are in discussions with both AstraZeneca and Moderna. And very soon we will finalize the deal with Pfizer.
This is the reason why at this stage there is an intensive work of communication from all sides. There is not and has not been since the first day any opportunity to make direct contracts unrelated to the overall strategy. All those who have access have entered into the overall strategic framework,” PM Rama said./