Prime Minister Edi Rama announces that he will hold a conference this afternoon, where he will speak for the first time about the murder of 25-year-old Klodian Rasha by the police.
Through a message on “Twitter”, Rama states that he has just arrived in Tirana, after visiting the US for the coronavirus vaccine, while he will make known his official stance on the serious event at 18:00.
Më në fund në Tiranë! Sot në 18.00 do të ndaj me shqiptarët qëndrimin tim për vdekjen tragjike të 25 vjeçarit nga efektivi i Policisë së Shtetit! Faleminderit paraprakisht kujtdo që do të gjejë kohën të më ndjekë në tv apo fb?
— Edi Rama (@ediramaal) December 10, 2020
“Finally in Tirana! Today at 18.00 I will share with the Albanians my stance on the tragic death of the 25-year-old by the State Police! Thank you in advance to anyone who will find the time to follow me on tv or Facebook”, noted PM Rama./