Prime Minister Rama announced today the decision to make it mandatory the mask outside. According to Rama, the decision is made to save the economy and life, as the country could not afford a second isolation.
If someone is caught without a mask, he will be fined and the amount will be transferred to the electricity bill.
“From next week, masks will be mandatory everywhere. In addition to the house and restaurant or bar where you sit at the table to consume that portion of the food you take. The fine will be applied to the electricity bill,” said Rama.
While many other countries are applying a local quarantine, according to the prime minister, Albanians need to consider the difficulties posed by a situation like the pandemic by raising awareness.
Rama said that the first wave of the pandemic was successfully passed while now the situation remains to be managed, but as it has been expressed before, a second closure is not expected.
Rama added that Albania is in the first row of countries that have provided funding for the vaccine and are ready to receive it as soon as it comes out./