Elections approaching, PM Rama meets with SP leaders in the districts

schedule12:36 - 28 Shtator, 2020

schedule 12:36 - 28 Shtator, 2020

Prime Minister Edi Rama held a meeting with Socialist Party (SP) leaders in the districts this Monday morning.

The meeting that started early this morning at the SP headquarters lasted about an hour and it is reported that the electoral campaign and the April 25 elections were the main topics of discussion.

The head of government has responded to the interest of journalists for the draft proposed by the united opposition for changes in the Electoral Code. Rama stated that this issue is in the hands of the group that deals with Electoral Reform.


Asked if he is satisfied with the work of the SP leaders in the regions, the leader of the majority said that he is not satisfied with himself either.

“I am never satisfied, not even with myself, let alone with political leaders,” said the prime minister / abcnews.al

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