Meta shares a video: Albanians should take fate into their hands

schedule12:27 - 8 Gusht, 2020

schedule 12:27 - 8 Gusht, 2020

President Ilir Meta shared the shocking video of 29 years ago, when about 20,000 Albanians left for Italy in Vlora cargo ship, in the hope of finding the freedom lacking from the 45-year-old communist regime.

Among other things, the Head of State emphasized that “Unfortunately, even today, after 29 years from this event and these shocking images, the dramatic pace of Albania’s depopulation has not stopped.

“On August 8, 1991, the ”Vlora” ship with about 20.000 Albanians on board, began its journey towards freedom, becoming a symbol of hope for a new life and a better future.

Their landing on the shores of Italy, witnessed to the whole world the tragedy and pain of a people suffering for decades from violence, oppression, misery and isolation.

 Unfortunately, even today, after 29 years from this event and these shocking images, the dramatic pace of depopulation of Albania has not stopped.

 In the name of these extraordinary human sacrifices, it is time to anchor hope in our country and fulfill the dream of every citizen, for an Albania like the rest of Europe!

It’s time for Albanians to return and take possession of their country and their fate. It’s time to build Europe here. It’s time to say Nevermore to any isolating and depopulating./

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