Ervis Hasangega, a journalist by profession, and Regina Omeri, an employee of AMP Durres, were arrested this Thursday. Citizen Kushtrim Selimi, who is the head of the sector in the General Directorate of the Police Supervision Agency, has also been announced as wanted.
They are accused of creating false data by denigrating false data by denigrating the figures of the institutions’ holders.
“The Sector for the Investigation of Cybercrimes at the DVP Tirana, following the work to crack down on criminal activities in the field of cybercrimes and bring the perpetrators to criminal responsibility, has organized and finalized the police operation.
As part of this operation, the citizens Regina Omeri and Ervis Hasanaga were arrested, and Kushtrim Selimi was declared wanted. During the conducted investigations, it was found that these three citizens, in cooperation with each other, changed and deleted computer data in text formats, without the right, to create false data against several holders of different institutions, denigrating the figure theirs, in order to present and use them as authentic, on a website. 2 mobile phones were seized as material evidence.
Work continues to identify other citizens involved in this criminal activity. The materials were passed on to the Prosecutor’s Office for further action,” the police announcement state.