Police seized 7 packages of cocaine in Durres, 2 arrested

schedule08:43 - 25 Maj, 2024

schedule 08:43 - 25 Maj, 2024

A quantity of suspected narcotic substance cocaine was discovered in the port of Durrës. According to police sources, the narcotics, divided into packages, were hidden under the seat of the “B.Travel” van.

Journalist Leonidha Musaj reports that the police accompanied the driver of the vehicle. The suspected narcotic substance cocaine is expected to be weighed. Sources from the investigation group, the van was making the Albania-Italy-England route.

The border police checked the cargo van with English license plates after suspicions of illegal items and the scan revealed that 7 packages of cocaine were hidden inside the vehicle. During the detailed search, cocaine was found inside the double bottom created in this cargo van, under the driver’s seat.

The cocaine was packed in vacuum bags. So far, two people, 38 and 39 years old, have been arrested by the police, while investigations are continuing to identify other people in this traffic network./abcnews.al

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