Buying votes, SPAK closes investigations for Agim Loci

schedule11:23 - 25 Prill, 2024

schedule 11:23 - 25 Prill, 2024

The Special Prosecutor’s Office (SPAK) has closed the investigation into Agim Loci, who is accused of election corruption. According to SPAK, Loci has given a monetary sum of up to 10,000 ALL to vote in favor of his daughter, who competed in the May 14 elections, on the list of candidates for Vora Municipal Council. Loci’s daughter was running on the Democratic Party logo.

The Special Prosecutor’s Office Against Corruption and Organized Crime, at the end of the preliminary investigations of criminal proceedings no. 105 of 2023, submitted to the Special Court of First Instance for Corruption and Organized Crime, the request for a trial in charge of the defendants: Agim Loci, accused of committing the criminal offense “Active corruption in elections”, provided by article 328 of the Criminal Code.

The investigation of this criminal proceeding has resulted that the defendant Agim Loci was engaged in the campaign for the local elections of May 14, 2023, for the municipality of Vorë, where citizen A. L., the daughter of the defendant Agim Loci, was on the list. of candidates for the Municipal Council, as part of one of the coalitions participating in the elections.

The investigation has evidenced that the defendant Agim Loci offered the citizen A.K. the monetary amount in the amount of 10,000 (ten thousand) ALL, to influence his will, in order to vote for a certain political subject in the Elections for Local Government Bodies, which took place on May 14, 2023 (Municipality Spring).


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