Drunk and without a license, 28 arrested in one week

schedule12:27 - 22 Prill, 2024

schedule 12:27 - 22 Prill, 2024

28 drivers have been arrested while 32 driving licenses have been suspended during the last week for violating traffic rules. As a result, 28 drivers were arrested, 19 of them for driving while intoxicated and 9 for driving without a license.

The police also say that 32 driving licenses have been suspended, 11 of which for speeding, 6 for driving under the influence of alcohol and 15 for other violations.

Also, based on the Road Code, 27,322 administrative measures have been imposed, of which:

6583 for driving at a speed above the permitted rates;

2006 for wrongful passing;

790 for using a mobile phone while driving;

1301 for not wearing a seat belt; 453 for not wearing a protective helmet;

16 189 administrative measures for violation of various rules of the Road Code./abcnews.al


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