The next court session for the former prime minister, Sali Berisha, for the lifting of the “house arrest” measure, is taking place in the Special Court.
Because Berisha refused to sign the summons for the day and time of the session, judge Irera Gjoka gave time to the lawyers to be equipped with a power of attorney to represent the former prime minister in the next session.
For Berisha’s lawyers, the postponement of the sessions is being done with the aim of burning the deputy’s mandate.
Former Prime Minister Berisha has been “imprisoned” since December 30. He is being investigated for corruption in connection with the privatization of the former Partizani complex. His son-in-law Jamarbër Malltezi is also being investigated for the same issue and with the same measure.
During the session, the Special Prosecutor’s Office submitted to the court the 2-month information for Berisha and Malltezi on the investigations on the “Partizani” case, while the lawyers asked for time to familiarize themselves with the materials. For this reason, the court postponed the hearing, and because the request of the lawyers for the cancellation of the measure for Berisha and Malltez is the same, it decided to merge the case into a single one and hold the hearing on the 8th at 9:00 a.m./