Xhelal Rraja was arrested this Wednesday following the “Revanshi” operation. According to SPAK Xhelal Rraja was part of the groups of Durim Bami and Endrit Dokles who tried to kill Arben Ndoka.
SPAK’s investigations show that Arben Ndoka was scheduled to be executed in January 2021, “when he went for coffee and coke on “Elbasani” Street, after a judge from Lezha had died.”
Ndoka would be killed in the coffee of consolation at the judge’s house.
But the plan failed as Ndoka did not go. According to SPAK, the plan was concocted by Durim Bami and Endrit Dokle, in collaboration with Xelal Rraja, where the latter provided information about Ndoka’s movements. /abcnews.al/