Xhelal Mziu being questioned by SPAK

schedule12:13 - 3 Qershor, 2024

schedule 12:13 - 3 Qershor, 2024

PD MP, Xhelal Mziu, was called to SPAK to provide clarifications regarding some tenders at the time he was running the municipality of Kamza. The prosecution has doubts that the awarding of these tenders was done in an abusive manner.

It is learned that Mziu gave clarifications in front of the Special Prosecutor, Elvin Gokaj, regarding some tenders for the cleaning of the city.

Immediately after the exit, the deputy said: “I was in SPAK where I was asked as a person who has knowledge about a report about several tenders for the cleaning of the city in 2019”.

We remind you that this is the second time that Mziu appears in the Special Prosecutor’s Office, as he appeared on July 27, 2022./abcnews.al

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