Vore, young man arrested after traveling with wanted man

schedule10:17 - 6 Shtator, 2023

schedule 10:17 - 6 Shtator, 2023

A 27-year-old wanted man was arrested by the police in Vorë, the police announced this Wednesday.

Law enforcement revealed that the young man was declared wanted after driving around in a vehicle with a citizen wanted for attempted murder and armed, he disobeyed the orders of police officers to stop.

Furthermore, the 27-year-old did not report the crime to the competent authorities and helped the wanted citizen to leave.

Following detention, the procedural materials were passed to the Prosecutor’s Office at the Court of First Instance of the General Jurisdiction in Tirana for further actions.

“The services of Police Station No. 7, following the work to capture wanted citizens, based on police intelligence on the location of a citizen announced as wanted within the coded police operation “Wanted”, have organized the work with the aim his capture.

As a result, in cooperation with the Shkoder Police Station, the citizen, 27 years old, resident of Shkoder, was arrested.

This citizen, on 04.09.2023, while driving a vehicle, on the road axis Fushë Krujë – Vorë, together with a wanted and armed citizen, did not obey the orders of the Police officers to stop, but continued the movement and supported the citizen in his quest to leave, and did not report the crime to the competent authorities”, informed the police.
