Today marks 19th anniversary of 9/11, Meta: We supports US in fight against terrorist

schedule13:03 - 11 Shtator, 2020

schedule 13:03 - 11 Shtator, 2020

The United States and the world today commemorate the 19th anniversary of the bloody attacks of September 11, 2001.

President Ilir Meta wrote through a message that Albania supports the US and NATO in the fight against terrorism.

“On behalf of the American people, today we commemorate the innocent victims of the terrorist attacks of 9/11  and stand in solidarity with their families! Albania remains committed alongside the US and NATO in the fight against international terrorism and any act that endangers stability and peace in the world and our region.

“Albania and the United States are united in their common values ​​of freedom, democracy and in the effort to protect these values ​​from common threats such as terrorism, violent extremism, religious fundamentalism and authoritarianism”, writes Meta.

The attack happened on September 11, 2001 by a group of 19 people, radical kidnappers, 15 of whom were from Saudi Arabia, two from the United Arab Emirates, one from Egypt and one from Lebanon.

Initially a hijacked plane crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York, creating a deep crack in the building’s face and causing a fire and 17 minutes later, another passenger plane crashed into the south tower.

In the attack of September 11, 2001, about 3,000 people lost their lives.


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