The Prosecutor’s Office of Tirana changed the charge against members of the Rraja tribe in relation to the violence against the cousins Bilbil and Jashar Maja because the medical-legal expertise determined that the injuries sustained are classified as light and without consequences for life.
The serious event took place at noon on July 6 in the premises of a bar in Thumana, where Maja cousins were brutally beaten with punches, kicks and baseball bats, due to the conflict over a quarry that damaged their homes from explosions. But referring to this document of the forensic expert Elton Serani, it results that the injuries suffered from the blows were not life-threatening at the time of their occurrence and therefore do not fall into the category of those injuries which have resulted in temporary loss of the ability to work in the amount of 9 days.
According to Serani, the fracture of the right side of the head and the fracture of the bone of the left forearm, or other injuries to the body and limbs caused by baseball bats, are not classified as serious injuries.
The members of the Rraja tribe raped cousins Jashar and Bilbil Maja after the latter’s protest against explosive explosions of a quarry owned by relatives of Rrahman Rraja, who resigned from the mandate of the deputy 2 days after the publication of the footage of the violence. Rexhep Rraja, the son of former deputy Rrahman Rrahja and his brother Flamur Rraja, were also identified among the perpetrators. /