The Assembly decides today for Arben Ahmetaj, reacts former Minister of Finances and Economy

schedule09:43 - 14 Korrik, 2023

schedule 09:43 - 14 Korrik, 2023

In today’s special session, the Parliament of Albania is expected to vote on the removal of immunity for the former Minister of Finances and Economy, Arben Ahmetaj, and the granting of authorization for his arrest.

So, with a status on the social network “Facebook”, Ahmetaj addressed a message to his supporters and voters. More specifically, SPAK accuses former minister Ahmetaj of corruption, money laundering and concealment of assets.

“I hope I did my best when I took over my duty in a very difficult period for the country’s economy and delivered it at the peak of real growth.  I hope I have done my best with reconstruction, when thousands and thousands of families were left on the streets after the earthquake of November 26, 2019.

I want to clarify to the citizens, and above all to my voters, what I am suspected of, or as some opinion journalists and politicians like to accuse me of:

-For an early acquaintance with a man who, when I knew him, was a normal person in his work.

In my work in the opposition and then in the government, I have contacts with almost 100 percent of the country’s businesses.

-That my ex-wife (who never worked in a state institution) has sold square meters, property declared in my asset declaration, on the free market, as corruption.

-That my lover (who has been working in the private sector for 20 years) and her family bought property in Hamallaj, with a clean and verified bank transaction.

-That I have made allocations and reallocations as a minister of finances.

-I started a construction business in 2004 and got a loan in 2006 for this business (verifiable by the American bank, today Inteza San Paolo)

-For not participating in the procedure of tenders and concessions, due to my official positions.

– That the reserve fund was used to finance the Elbasan incinerator.

Finally, I thank all my colleagues, from the majority and the opposition, who will vote today.

I also, I apologize to my family, Livia, Keisi, Kejli, my lover Erjola, Albina, my ex-wife, my mother, my sisters, my friends for the worries that I have unintentionally brought to them with this story, I hope that to forgive me in this life. I apologize to my voters as well, but God knows the truth, which I will try day after day to find out.



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