Special Appeal Court for corruption and organized crime orders SPAK to investigate former mayor of Kavaja, Elvis Roshi

schedule13:11 - 28 Mars, 2024

schedule 13:11 - 28 Mars, 2024

The Special Court ordered the Special Prosecutor’s Office to withdraw the file against Elvis Roshi, the former mayor of Kavaja, and to continue investigations for abuse of duty, reports journalist Ermal Vija.

In 2017, Rroshi was accused by KLSH of two abusive tenders worth 33 million ALL, but the Durres prosecutor’s office at that time requested the suspension of the investigations and delegation of the file to the Special Court.

At the end of the trial, the Special Court of First Instance for Corruption and Organized Crime with a panel composed of judge Rudina Palloj, based on articles 112, 75/a, 128, 128/a, 329, 329/a, 329 /b following the Code of Criminal Procedure, with decision no. 23, dated 26.03.2024, decided: Establishing the absolute invalidity of the request of the Prosecution before the Court of First Instance of the General Jurisdiction of Durres, with the object: Termination of criminal proceedings no. 317 of 2017, registered for the criminal offense “Abuse of duty” provided for by article 248 of K. Criminal.

The passing of the acts that are near this court, forwarded by the Court of First Instance of the General Jurisdiction of Durres, for the continuation of the investigations, the Special Prosecution Against Corruption and Organized Crime. Against this decision, the parties have the right to appeal within 15 days from the day after the communication of the reasoned decision to the Special Court of Appeal for Corruption and Organized Crime”.


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