The Special Prosecutor’s Office has closed the investigations and charged the former mayor of Finic Municipality, Leonidha Hristo, and 4 other officials of this municipality for abuse of office. It is about Florian Peri, Stavro Cavo, Lefteria Mekshi, Lefter Karajani.
According to the Prosecutor’s Office, Hristo in cooperation with other officials have carried out fictitious tendering procedures.
So, as a result of these illegal actions or omissions committed in violation of the law on public procurement or the law on local self-government, acting as described above, it turns out that a series of fictitious procurement procedures organized and executed by the defendants Leonidha were carried out Hristo, Florian Peri, Stavro Cavo, Lefterie Mekshi and Lefter Karajani, abusing their legal duties and qualifying O.E. predetermined and did not meet the criteria, bringing legal consequences/caused economic damage from the differences in offers.