SPAK officially investigates Fatmir Mediu for “Gërdec”

schedule10:00 - 8 Shkurt, 2023

schedule 10:00 - 8 Shkurt, 2023

The Special Prosecutor’s Office against Corruption and Organized Crime submitted the request for trial for the former minister, Fatmir Mediu.

Mediu is accused of the criminal offense “Abuse of duty” committed in cooperation, as well as for the commission of the criminal offense “Abuse of duty” in cooperation with a military subject-command.

During the investigations of this criminal proceeding, further actions were also carried out in relation to the procedure of the sale of military ammunition by the Ministry of Defense and the company “MEICO” to the foreign companies “Evdin” ltd, with headquarters in Cyprus and “AEY”, with headquarters in Florida.

Regarding this episode, the preliminary investigations have not been completed and the division of the criminal case has been decided, registering criminal proceedings no. 279/1 of 2023, for the criminal offenses “Passive corruption of high state officials or local elected officials” and ” Cleanup of the proceeds of a criminal offense or criminal activity”, provided by articles 260 and 287 of the Criminal Code.
