The Tirana court confirmed the security measures for the investigator Enea Sulejmani and the employee of the Rinas police station, Briken Terziu, leaving them under arrest in prison indefinitely during the ongoing investigations.
The security measures remained unchanged for the other employees, under “house arrest” Sokol Xhika, Ermal Mesi and Aris Drini. “Appearance obligation” has been imposed on Ylli Prençi, Rei Shenjtolli, Enkis Aliaj and Argil Hasa.
Eneo Sulejmanaj had close ties with the officer Briken Tereziu, with whom he collaborated for a long time for the illegal passage of citizens to Rinas. The operatives mainly passed citizens who were not allowed to enter Schengen after they had been deported earlier, people who had been expelled as well as passing minor children without the power of attorney of one of the parents./