Rama’s proposals for changes in government sent to Presidency

schedule14:13 - 28 Korrik, 2024

schedule 14:13 - 28 Korrik, 2024

Prime Minister Edi Rama has announced changes in the government. In his speech to the Congress, the head of the government declared that he will propose to the President of the Republic, Bajram Begaj, changes in the government cabinet.

Rama said that Taulant Balla will be proposed to the post of Minister for Relations with Parliament, Ervin Hoxha, as Minister of Interior, Petrit Malaj as Minister of Finance and Piro Vëngu as Minister of Defense.

“After this meeting, I will submit to the president the proposals for some changes in the government, Minister for relations with the Parliament, Taulant Balla. Minister of the Interior Ervin Hoxha, Minister of Finance, Petrit Malaj, Minister of Defense, Piro Vëngu”, said Rama./abcnews.al

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