Rama: The anti-corruption resolution is what the country needs for EU

schedule13:42 - 27 Maj, 2024

schedule 13:42 - 27 Maj, 2024

“The anti-corruption resolution is what the republic and citizens need from this parliament today to support EU membership in 2030.” This is how Prime Minister Rama began his speech from the floor of the Assembly regarding the anti-corruption resolution, an initiative proposed by the socialist majority. “The anti-corruption resolution is what the republic and the citizens need from this parliament today to support the EU membership in 2030.

This initiative has nothing to do with the comments that are, secret goals such as bringing SPAK under control have been fantasized. No, we have been at war with corruption for 10 years, so there has been a reform in justice together with the birth of SPAK, which has had and will have the unconditional support of this majority. SPAK is the bitter medicine that you drink or you die, and whoever drinks it once does not, as you do, no, it has no chance to cleanse itself, it only prolongs its agony and dissolves as you are dissolving the avenue of hope.

Precisely because we have entered into a war with corruption, the transformation through digitization has happened, together with the end of endless queues, the reform of public prosecutions and the ascension of Albania from the last country to the first in the regional scoring in this field. That’s why the negotiations on neo-negociata have stopped.

The war started 10 years ago against corruption is real. Ush sits and counts, this and that one was called, turning the political and media opposition into mud trenches, it will simply drown itself, and it will blacken with grudge./abcnews.al

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