Prime Minister Edi Rama, from Baku where he is participating in the 10th Summit of the Southern Gas Corridor as the guest of honor of President Ilham Alije, declared that the Southern Gas Corridor has made Europe safer.
He added that the percentage of gas that will come from Russia has decreased significantly and will soon be zero.
Rama also stated that Albania is strategically positioned on the trans-Adriatic gas pipeline route and that it intends to direct investments towards renewable energy projects.
“This new experience of cooperation between countries, companies and international financial institutions will extend too many other areas, he predicted. And indeed this new energy silk road of the southern corridor has become a bridge of intensive cooperation bringing countries, companies and international financial institutions closer together in a format that only increases the desire and opportunities it offers.
With the share of Russian gas falling, from 40 to currently 8 percent and soon to zero percent and the green agenda and decarburization efforts at a high point, Azerbaijan’s gas and the Caspian region, essential parts of our future common. We are strategically positioned on the path of the trans-Adriatic gas pipeline, which is a vital link in the southern gas corridor, we intend to further capitalize on this corridor, orienting investments towards renewable energy projects”, said Rama.