Prime Minister Edi Rama has considered the situation in North of Kosovo to be an alarming situation. At the press conference, Rama revealed that he has handed over to President Macron and Chancellor Scholz the document for the formation of the association, considering it as the Gordian knot between Kosovo and Serbia.
“The big loser is Kosovo, Serbia is doing what it has done before. Kosovo is doing something that it has never done before and it is being blamed by all the strategic agencies of the Albanian nation.
In the conditions when relations are taking on more and more alternative tones, and I hope it doesn’t happen, she will be sanctioned for her attitude.
Yesterday I handed over to Macron and Scholz a draft of the association is a draft worked on by top level American and European experts for a long time which was done just in case this day would come.
This is a confidential document that does not claim to be the ideal solution, but it is a document of the highest international level that takes into consideration all the reasons for creating the association.” said Rama.