Chief socialist Edi Rama will gather political leaders in the districts on Tuesday at the headquarters of the Socialist Party. ABC News journalist, Ajgena Korbi, reports that the meeting is expected to start at 09:00 at the pink headquarters.
The focus of the meeting will be on the re-energization of the Socialist Party, a work which has been started for a long time and has been announced as the main objective by the head socialist Edi Rama himself.
This meeting comes two days after the meeting of the National Assembly of the SP, which was held in Gjirin e Lalezi, last Sunday.
During his speech, the leading socialist said that over 29,000 memberships have been made during this time, adding that by June, when the Party Congress is expected to be held, the objective is for this figure to reach 50,000. On May 12, the Socialist Party will elect delegates to the congress, which will hold its work on June 12. At the same time, the process for the elections of leaders of socialist organizations throughout the country has started./