President Begaj gathers institutions’ heads before May 14 polls campaign

schedule10:23 - 13 Prill, 2023

schedule 10:23 - 13 Prill, 2023

President of the Republic, Bajram Begaj, has decided to convene this Thursday in a table, at 11:00, all the leaders of the institutions that are involved in the organization and observation of May 14th local elections.

According to the information at hand, the invitation has been sent to the State Election Commissioner Ilirjan Celibashi, the regulatory members and the Commission of Complaints and Sanctions.

Head of State has also invited the General Director of Police, Muhamet Rrumbullaku, as well as the head of the ODIHR monitoring mission, Audrey Glover.

Diplomats will also be present, who often send messages to politics about a process that must meet the standards and expectations of citizens.


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