Parliament speaker’s message on Liberation Day

schedule10:00 - 29 Nëntor, 2023

schedule 10:00 - 29 Nëntor, 2023

Speaker of the Assembly Lindita Nikolla has greeted this Wednesday, November 29, Liberation Day. In a social media reaction, Nikolla underlined that the liberation of Albania is a monumental work of the Albanian partisans, supported by the people, who in the Second World War placed Albania on the right side of history.

“November 29, Liberation Day, is the crowning of the Anti-Fascist National-Liberation War of the Albanian people.

The fierce fight against the invaders in the mountains, valleys, villages, cities, in every inch of Albania’s territory is a great sacrifice, but also a great inspiration.

Anti-fascism, freedom and democratic values are the foundations of European Albania, a worthy member of NATO, a contributor to peace, security and stability in Europe and the world and a promoter of development, integration and cooperation in the region.

Today I join the gratitude and honor for the martyrs, the war veterans, the liberators of Albania”, she wrote.
