Prime Minister Edi Rama qualifies as a crime against humanity, the use of a doctor’s uniform, to extract money with blood for medicines of the sick, referring to the Oncology scandal.
During his speech at the meeting of heads of services at QSUT, Rama said that nothing is missing in the hospital, but sometimes the white shirts are not up to the task.
“Preparing for this address that is public, in a very dark moment that the activity of some here created for the whole community of white shirts, I remembered the words of one of the heroes of health, Besim Elezi, on the day, when we were together at the opening of the internal medicine hospital.
Not even in our dreams had we seen a hospital in these conditions, nothing less. Besim Elezi and like the brothers of his generation, gave life to a heroic health, in a hospital that had nothing more than the cleanliness and tools of a medieval hospital in France, or elsewhere.
In this territory where we are today, almost everything that we have today was missing, but the figure and dedication of the doctor was not missing.
While today there is almost nothing missing that we didn’t have yesterday, but not always the figure and dedication of the doctor, are at the height of the mission that starts with the Hippocratic Oath.
Not being up to the task in your profession is a very big trouble for a man, when the fate of his health is connected with the doctor, but to have received the diploma, the license and use the uniform as the masks of bank robbers to extract money with the blood and medicines of the sick, is a crime against all humanity”, he emphasized./